Accesorizer 是一款自动化代码的工具,可以为你自动生成 property,Keyed Archiving 等定型的代码,省去了开发者不少开发的时间。Accesorizer提供范围广泛的内存管理方案,采用最着名的专家。Objective-C可可/这个包包括连接到重要的内存管理文章和资源。
Accesorizer是一款Xcode自动化代码生成的工具,可以为你自动生成 property,Keyed Archiving 等定型的代码,不但可以节省开发时间,还能够规范代码风格和结构,是一款值得去研究的辅助工具!!!其官网不但有详细的文档还有8部视频教程,虽然都是英文的,还是比较容易上手的。那些视频我搬运到Youku上了,试了几种方法都没能在博客中成功插入视频,只能超链接跳转了,将就下吧!!
1. GENERATE CODE from the Accesorizer interface(点击观看)
Starting on Page 10 of the QuickStartGuide covers basic setup you see in this 6 minute video. However, you’ll want to learn to use the new Action Panel and Action menu + Services with Xcode Activation and auto-insert at Xcode’s insertion point as shown in the video: SETTING UP SERVICES below.
2. SETTING UP SERVICES + Action Menu/Panel(点击观看)
Using Services unleashes the true power of Accesorizer. The begining of the QuickStartGuide jumps right in and shows you how to set up Services + the new Action Panel and Action menu as shown in this 10 minute video. You can also download the standalone Action Panel Guide.
While Accesorizer offers best-practices coding conventions, no one shoe fits all. Most of what you see in the Accesorizer interface addreses the broad range of coding styles and needs of the Cocoa developer. Once you define your settings, you can generally minimize Accesorizer to the Dock, keeping it out of your way, and work from the single point-of-entry Action Panel Service + Action Menu or Action Panel and generate all the code you need with a couple of key strokes.
For more detailed guidance check out the guides below where you can learn about Configuration Sets, The Defaults Table and the many powerful features available at your fingertips.
4. CREATING A FLESHED OUT .m file(点击观看)
For V3.0, I think I’ll offer a complete .m file generation from your .h file based on user-defined selection. Accesorizer already can generate all that code you need. You can do this now, however, with just a couple of clicks as shown in this 3 minute
5. 64-BIT RUNTIME - what, no ivar declarations?(点击观看)
With the 64-bit “Modern Runtime” using the LLVM comiler, you do not have to declare your ivars. Ivars can be added to the clas at compile-time. This 3 min. video demonstrates how Accesorizer can generate those properties for you.
6. POWER of the DEFAULTS TABLE(点击观看)
Accesorizer’s Defaults Table is one of its most powerful features. It’s where you can define a TYPE and its property specifiers (or explicit accesor style). It’s also where you can define your custom views so that they’re picked up as IBOutlets and handled accordingly.
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官方版 v1.0
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绿色版 v3.9.1.2
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官方版 v1.9.24
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官方版 v3.3
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v2.5ß 官方版
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最新版 v1.1
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v 3.0.1 最新注册版
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正式版 v4.7